
(Caution: The information herein is for reference only. The reader should always consult counsel regarding his or her individual case. The information herein is intended for reference by the recipient only and shall not be used as authority or public information.)

(注意: 此處訊息僅供收件人本人參考, 不適用於所有個案. 個案應諮詢律師.)

A. Requirements

A. 基本条件

(a) The generally required amount of investment is US$1,000,000. In rural areas and areas of high unemployment, the amount is reduced to US$500,000. Areas of high unemployment are determined from time to time by a government agency.

(a) 一般要求的投資金額是美金一百萬. 在鄉下及失業率高的地區, 投資金額減為美金五十萬. 一個地區的失業率是高或低因時而異, 要由政府認定.

The investment can be in different forms or a combination of such forms – cash, property and loan proceeds. A loan used for investment must be a personal debt of the investor and secured by the investor’s own property. We suggest that investment by loan proceeds be limited to one-third of total investment.

投資資本可有多種形式, 或由各種形式組成 – 現金, 房地產 及貸款. 用來投資的貸款必須是該投資者的個人貸款, 並以該投資者自己的房地產做抵押. 建議用來投資的貸款不要超過總投資金額的三分之一.

The investment must be made in a commercial enterprise (for example, real property and stock account only are not commercial enterprises).

投資項目必須是商業性企業. (舉例來說, 單是房地產和股票不能算是商業性企業.)

The investment must be “at-risk.” This is a key element to EB5 approval. Whether the investment is “at-risk” is determined on a case-by-case basis.

該投資必須要具有風險性. 這是投資移民被批准的關鍵點/要素. 移民局會審查每個投資案, 並決定一個投資是否具有風險性.

(b) The investment must create 10 full-time jobs for US workers. A full time job is one requiring 35 work hours per week at the minimum. Two part-time employees working on one job are considered one full-time worker or employment opportunity. Seasonal workers do not count.

(b) 此投資必須為美國人創造10個全職工作. 所謂全職工作是指該工作每周的工時至少35小時. 兩位兼職員工做同一份工作可以當成一份全職工作或就業機會. 按季節工作的短期員工不算.

(c) There must be proof that the investment fund comes from the investor (e.g., money wire, canceled checks from the investor’s personal account) and from a lawful source (e.g., income, capital gain, gift from relative, etc.).

(c) 必須要提出文件來證明投資資金是來自投資者本人 (如: 匯款單, 投資者個人帳戶的回籠支票等)以及證明資金是取自合法的來源 (如: 收入, 投資利得, 親友贈與等)

(d) The investor participates in management of the commercial enterprise.

(d) 投資者要參與該商業性企業的經營管理.

Note: For more complicated cases such as a case where the investor is buying an existing business or buying an existing “troubled” business, there may be additional requirements.

注意: 如果投資者購買的是現有的企業, 或是現有經營困難的企業, 還有其他的條件要符合.

B. Steps:

B. 步驟 :

(a) filing a petition by the investor/entrepreneur with the US Citizenship and Immigration Service.

(a) 投資者/企業家向美國移民局遞交投資移民申請書.

(b) upon approval of the entrepreneur petition, filing the I-485 application to adjust status if the investor is physically in the US (the investor’s spouse and unmarried child under 21 can also file the I-485 together with the investor if she/he is physically in the US); if the investor is physically outside the US, the approved entrepreneur petition will be forwarded to NVC (National Visa Center) and then to a designated US embassy or consulate, and the investor (spouse and unmarried child under 21) will be interview at the embassy or consulate for immigrant visa.

(b) 在投資移民申請被批准之後, 要是投資者身在美國, 即可遞交I-485表來轉換身份成合法居留身份 (其配偶及未滿21歲的未婚子女若也身在美國, 可一併轉換身份); 如果投資者在美國國境外, 該批准書會先被送到國家簽證中心, 再送到指定的使領館, 投資者(以及其配偶及未滿21歲的未婚子女) 會被安排在使領館做移民面談.

C. The normal documents we need to initiate a case are as follows:

C. 下列是申請投資移民初步需要的文件:

a) documents to show that the investment fund is the investor's money and is from lawful sources (e.g., the investor's personal income tax returns for recent years, bank statements for the last 6 months, documents showing that the investor owning certain business entity, financial statements and/or tax returns of the business entity, business license, certificate of title to real property, landlord-tenant agreement showing the investor's rental income, whichever is available);

a) 可茲證明投資資金是來自投資者本人以及證明資金是取自合法來源的文件 (如: 投資者近幾年的稅單, 最近六個月的銀行對帳單, 可證明投資者是企業業主的文件及該企業的相關文件, 如財務報表, 稅單, 營業執照等, 投資者的房地產產權證明, 投資者若有租金收入即需租約証明等, 凡有利證明的文件可儘量提供.)

b) if the investor has invested in a US business, documents regarding the US investment (e.g., business formation documents, escrow statements, money wire notices, etc.)

b) 如投資者已在美國投資企業, 需要投資該企業的相關文件 (如: 該企業之成立文件, 生意/房產買賣交易文件, 匯款通知單等.)



  • 1. 向您解释美国EB-5投资移民流程及细则
  • 2. 根据您本人实际条件,给予您初步的法律建议
  • 3. 提供相关的初步申请的文件细则
  • 4. 提供相关投资移民公司相关的财务及税务意见


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